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B2C social networking platform led by non-tech founder encounters difficulties in conceptualizing, defining and implementing a large-scale platform

IT Strategy

B2C social networking platform led by non-tech founder encounters difficulties in conceptualizing, defining and implementing a large-scale platform


  • Non-tech founder operating in individual capacity
  • Insufficient expertise to independently execute the vision, resulting in the inability to meet the platforms expected standards
  • Need to outsource the validation of concepts and USP for the technological landscape
  • Limited understanding to guide decisions related to the technology stack
  • Insufficiency in documenting, developing and delivering an application of this magnitude independently.

Solution : 14 months

  • Led several workshops with the client to clarify their vision for the application, assisting in documenting their mission and objectives
  • Conducted comprehensive research on the social networking application domain to grasp the current landscape and identify opportunities for innovative features
  • Simultaneously executed a Proof of Concept (POC) to evaluate the feasibility of implementing the Unique Selling Proposition (USP), diverging from conventional approaches
  • Defined and carried out Requirement Engineering Process and Design Thinking approach for requirement gathering
  • Followed DAWPS (Decide – Analyze – Wireframe – Prototype – Ship) Process
  • Developed a visually appealing and intuitive interface that resonated with the target user personas while aligning with prevailing UI/UX standards in the social networking sphere
  • Created a detailed technological architecture, incorporating specific decisions regarding the technology stack necessary to support a scalable product
  • Defined Third Party Application Integration Strategy and Framework
  • Procured, configured, and maintained cloud infrastructure
  • Implemented the application using a microservice-based coding standard, emphasizing reusability and ensuring a seamless interface
  • Established & institutionalized tools & practices for DevSecOps
  • Conducted rigorous quality testing to ensure that the application met the expected technological standards and product requirements


  • Bootstrapping of startup’s tech team
  • Faster Go To Market
  • Maintainable platform with lean support team
  • Ensures Rapid Scalability


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